Sunday, August 28, 2011

The End of a New Beginning

Sixteen years of schooling and it has now come down to the last four months before graduation. Who would of thought these past years would fly by in the blink of an eye? At least I took the advice given to me by numerous adults- cherish each and every memory because it will be over before you know it. (Which is SO true!) I now have over 18,000 pictures, dozens of best friends, and an education that will hopefully allow me to accomplish my goals in the upcoming future.

I guess it is now time to start narrowing down the playing field and figure out what I want to do in this next chapter of my life. There are so many directions I can consider going. Hopefully I will follow the right path and find a job that I absolutely love. A job that I can look forward to going to and enjoy each waking moment of the ins and outs of its obligations. I guess time can only tell where I will be six months, or one year from now. Until then, I can only continue to better myself and hope for the best!

("The Livable Forest" 12x48 Acrylic on canvas)

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