Friday, March 23, 2012

Just breathe.

Last week was officially a solid three months since graduation. I cannot believe how fast time flies. Having so much time off has allowed me to set aside time every day to reflect on my life and I have enjoyed each and every day. As these relaxing days come to an end, I can't help but enjoy them that much more. I've realized how much I take for granted and how blessed I truly am.

I've spent more time with my family than I have in a long time. Cruises and hunting with dad. Crafts and cooking with mom. Lunches with Paw Paw and visits to Conroe to visit Grandma. Movie marathons with Aunt Pat and sister nights out on the town with Em. I have been babysitting for multiple families and they have become a major part of my life. I look forward to texts and calls asking if I am available to watch their kids while they do whatever it may be. I cherish every moment I get to spend with them. As Lauren, one of my sweet little girls, was giving me a hug goodbye this morning she told me that she loved me. It made my heart melt.

I found this Triumph Over Every Day blog post earlier today and it was just what I needed at just the right time. Life is great and each day has been exciting as I patiently wait to see what is in store for my future.

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