Sunday, February 12, 2012


Do you ever find yourself caught up in a daily routine that you just cannot seem to break away from? Whether it be pressing the snooze button for a solid 45 minutes every morning (guilty), indulging in an afternoon snack that might not be the smartest choice (guilty again), or simply leaving the dishes in your sink rather than putting them directly into the dishwasher (once again... guilty)

All of these, plus dozens and dozens more are part of my daily routine. Are they the right choice I should be making? No. Do I question why I do them every single time I do them? Yes. So what is it that I cannot simply step away from and say, "No Laura, not today." Lack of self control, perhaps? 

Then it comes to the daily routines that I complete and I (without forgetting) excitingly remind myself "High five Laura. Atta girl. Keep it up. You're doing things the way they should be done. Now that wasn't too hard, was it? I'm ready to take it on again tomorrow!" These are the types of thoughts I want to be thinking after everything I do. After all, why do things that shouldn't be done in the first place? 

These past few months since graduation I have been fortunate enough to piggy back of my dad's country club membership and I can attend unlimited workout classes. With a few more lbs that appreciated, these are just what I need. So what do I choose to do? Sit on a bike for a solid 1.5 hours and spin my legs, while sweating bullets, sometimes getting a little woozy, tail bone without a doubt sore the next day, teacher yelling and what seems to be staring directly at me the entire class... yet I come back every day. Somehow, the torture is like a get away. I don't have to think of anything except spinning my legs, making it through the class and enjoying the music. Forgetting about all the things that need to be done, should have been done or aren't getting done because I am pedaling a bike, puts me right where I need to be. Relaxed, yet filled with adrenaline. 

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